Branch Banking’s Common Core

Monday, August 26, 2019 – Not so long ago, discussion around branch banking focused largely on the challenges surrounding digital transformation. Today, the conversations are much more holistic, uniting people and place with purpose in distinct ways. Three such examples of common purpose yet differing deployment are featured in Branching Out in the August edition of the ABA Banking Journal. Bringing customer experience to the forefront, Adrenaline’s collaboration with VeraBank resulted in transformed spaces and places to interface.

Branch Banking’s Common Core

In the article, President & CEO of VeraBank Brad Tidwell describes the process. “For us, branch transformation came first – starting five years ago.” Describing the challenges, he says, “We are a traditional, independent community bank. But we were seeing dramatic changes in our customers’ expectations and interactions.” Partnering with Adrenaline, VeraBank’s branch transformation included opening up the space for modern banking transactions, but kept consultative spaces close and connected.

Adrenaline President & CEO Sean Keathley defines the demands, saying, “The shift to ITMs in the drive-up lanes may seem minor. But that change enables all of your branch staff to focus on the customers walking through the door.” In the physical space, the design looked at experience from the customer’s point-of-view. For staff that means, “There is no need to have your back turned,” he explains. “The impression left by this change is attentiveness, a real interest in serving me – the customer – and building our relationship.”

Branch Banking’s Common Core

As the bank adopted universal bankers, new processes needed to be put in place, but it went far beyond just staff training in roles and responsibilities. Not only did the physical and relationship space in each branch shift, the culture needed to shift, as well. VeraBank’s Brad Tidwell says, “We knew that just remodeling the branches wouldn’t get us where we needed to go. We needed to initiate a cultural evolution away from our traditional operations and platforms and tellers.”

While the physical space may have space variables, Adrenaline’s Sean Keathley says “There is an expectation that the brand experience will be consistent and seamless across all channels. That consistency needs to include both the aesthetic and the operational experience.” No matter which channels the consumer engages in, Keathley explains, “We have to make sure it looks like the same organization whether customers are in a mobile app or in the branch.” 

To speak with one of our branch experience experts or request a copy of our upcoming white paper on branch optimization and transformation, contact us at [email protected].

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