Adrenaline’s Experts Featured at Future Branches Connect

Gina Bleedorn, CXO, presents “Branch Network Transformation: How to Turn Your Biggest Expense into Your Biggest Opportunity” with Sean Keathley, President & CEO, joining for Live Audience Q&A

Tuesday, December 1, 2020 – In their upcoming virtual event from December 9-11, Future Branches is proudly bringing together the financial industry’s leading thinkers and innovators to take on banking’s most urgent challenge – branch network transformation – especially critical in light of our new COVID normal. In this three-day event, Future Branches Virtual Event + Connect features a series of educational fireside chats, panels and keynotes on the evolving role of the branch.

The conference is comprised of open-to-all educational programming, followed by a two-day invite-only event with content customized for the industry’s senior-most leaders from prominent banks and credit unions across the country. On Day Two, Adrenaline’s Gina Bleedorn will present an invitation-only session on “How to Turn Your Biggest Expense into Your Biggest Opportunity” featuring insights on reducing cost and reinvesting in the branch network, with Sean Keathley joining the discussion for live audience Q&A.

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In this exclusive presentation, Adrenaline’s experts will address how the U.S. bank branch ecosystem that was already challenged is now in a state of crisis due to COVID. In this environment, costs must be reduced but also reinvested. In fact, new research shows that aggressive network transformation increases productivity, customer satisfaction and decreases attrition – if done right. Participants will learn about creating efficiency and aligning branch investment with market opportunity, along with an opportunity to engage with these banking thought leaders in a live Q&A that follows the presentation.

To register for this invitation-only virtual conference, use the Future Branches Connect Virtual Event RSVP Link. For the latest data and insights on branch banking in our COVID era, visit Believe in Banking. To speak with one of Adrenaline’s branch experts about developing an optimization plan for your network, especially important in the COVID era, contact us at [email protected].

Adrenaline is an experience design agency that creates and implements end-to-end branded experiences through creative and environmental design. We enhance our clients’ customer experiences across digital and physical channels, from their branding and advertising to design and technology in their spaces. After transforming an organization’s brand, Adrenaline extends it across all touchpoints — from employees to the market to in-store environments. And, we focus on serving industries that sell human experiences including financial, healthcare, sports and entertainment.

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