Adrenaline’s Rebrand with Valley Strong Spotlighted on

“The Power Behind A ‘Strong’ Rebrand” explores one credit union’s renewed focus on brand and the growth it spurred

Thursday, November  3, 2022 – In 2019, Kern Schools Federal Credit Union had big plans for growth, seeking to increase their footprint in the Central Valley of California and reach out to new audiences, but their brand was limiting their ambitions. “We wanted to expand beyond Kern County into other parts of the Central Valley,” says Nick Ambrosini, CEO, Valley Strong Credit Union during an interview for “The Power Behind A ‘Strong’ Rebrand” feature on “But with our name recognition and the brand’s limitations, we needed to refresh.”

That’s when the growth-minded financial institution sought out an experienced partner to help them build a brand they could grow on. “Adrenaline, an Atlanta-based consultant with both Fortune 500 and credit union experience, was brought in to assist in the rebranding process, conducting several months of focus groups and other research among members, potential members, and staff,” according to the feature. Eighteen months later, the Valley Strong brand was ready for its big reveal.

Adrenaline’s case study goes into more detail on the development of the Valley Strong brand. “Grounded by market and competitive research and augmented with social listening, data intelligence and insights provided a powerful underpinning for developing smart strategies for the brand.” Growing out of a sense of local pride, the new Valley Strong brand positioned the credit union to “capture a bigger market share as they expanded their footprint geographically – beyond Kern County – and demographically – beyond their teacher roots.”

In the months since, Valley Strong has built on the brand with essential programs targeted toward success. They’ve expanded their services, augmented their C-Suite and implemented a leadership culture program to help create “a set of core values the senior managers can use to guide their tactics and strategies for growth ahead.” To read the feature on Valley Strong, see “The Power Behind A ‘Strong’ Rebrand” on, a digital publication featuring content for industry leaders working in the dynamic cooperative financial system.

To learn more about the process for building a brand, see Adrenaline’s case study on Valley Strong, Rebrand Rooted in the Valley. For more information on our branding services or to speak with one of our banking or credit union experts, contact us at [email protected]. Be sure to also stay tuned in to Believe in Banking as it highlights industry information and insights for banking leaders and Adrenaline’s Insights featuring banking and credit union strategies for success.

Adrenaline is an end-to-end brand experience company serving the financial industry. We move brands and businesses ahead by delivering on every aspect of their experience across digital and physical channels, from strategy through implementation. We create brands people love and engage audiences with story-led design and insights-driven marketing; and we design and build transformative brand experiences across branch networks, leading the construction of physical spaces that drive business advantage and make the brand experience real.

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