Nurturing the Strategic Mindset

The power of having the right people asking the right questions at the right time

In companies all around the globe, people are at conference room tables and in think tanks collectively searching for that elusive essence that will give them an edge over their competition. What if we told you that it was actually a question that held the key to their success? Well, not necessarily one question, but a series of strategic ones, anyway. Forward-thinking companies today understand that fostering inquisitiveness and creating the space to ask “why” are as core to their success as a commanding product. Developing a strategic mindset relies on asking those questions — and it’s at the heart of successful brand building. 

To be sure, our new Senior Director of Strategy, Juliet D’Ambrosio, is asking a series of smart questions to help find that essence rare or what she calls the “precious gem of truth” that anchors every brand. Joining Adrenaline in June, Juliet brings experience with some of the world’s most significant brands — Coca-Cola, WeWork, Samsung and the International Olympic Committee among them — working within the C-suite to define purpose and with creative teams to develop solutions that drive success. 

Describing her position with Adrenaline, she says, “Having a role like mine means that we’re just able to lift up and out of the kind of granular day-to-day activities of creating a campaign, creating an identity, creating an experience. It allows me to look at the overall path the brand is on, where it should be headed and identify the places it can go to continue to create distinction.”

Juliet DAmbrosio

So important is strategy to everything the company does, Adrenaline brought in Juliet to orchestrate the strategic process that happens inside the company’s doors every day. Juliet sees her role, in part, as a bridge between brand strategy and creative expression, saying “I transform the core brand positioning into something creatively actionable. It’s what I call ‘freedom within a framework’ ensuring all the creative energy is being channeled in the right way.”

As Senior Director of Strategy, Juliet will employ her innate curiosity and experience from the world of consumer brand planning to create powerful multi-channel strategies for client engagements and for Adrenaline as a company. On what she sees on the horizon for Adrenaline and its clients, Juliet describes looking forward to harnessing the power of strategy across all aspects of experience design. She says, “Everyone here is already thinking strategically, and I’m looking forward to guiding us toward taking an even wider, longer and deeper view of where each brand — financial and beyond — should go to be smarter and more agile in an increasingly competitive marketplace.” 

To speak with Juliet about developing brand strategies, contact us at [email protected].

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