Healthcare Experiences for New Generations

Tuesday, September 24, 2019 – In Boston last week, Adrenaline’s chief experience officer Gina Bleedorn was the highlighted speaker for one of only four keynote sessions at the Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo,  a conference dedicated to the advancement of healthcare delivery through the physical space. In the “Creating a Healthcare Experience for New Generations“ keynote on Wednesday, September 18, Gina addressed the primary drivers of change and the shifting paradigm of physical healthcare experiences. Advocating for a humanized approach to healthcare experience, Gina shared insights about consumer demands and the need to meet them on their terms. 

Adrenaline has hit the mark – driven by statistical data and proven outcomes – they are on the cutting edge of the multigenerational healthcare experience!”
– Heather M. Nauss, National Director of Business Development at Oculus Inc.

Kicking off the presentation, Gina spotlighted powerful data from a 2019 survey finding multiple generations dissatisfied with the current state of healthcare delivery. Gina says, “I continue to observe that healthcare is so mired in the world of healthcare they don’t seem to fully grasp the disruption that’s coming their way.” Weighed down by legacy thinking, the healthcare industry – like other industries that came before them – is going to face an existential threat demanding that providers completely rethink their approaches. Just like banking, regulations within the healthcare industry bump up against new technologies creating a palpable tension that often results in inertia toward change. 

Healthcare Experiences for New Generations

Once the purview of retail environments, younger generations are now bringing their demands to the healthcare sector. Gina says, “The industry is just so ripe for disruption, the moment consumers are given a true alternative choice in a meaningful way, they will adopt it. We’re not exactly sure when it’s going to happen, but we’re already seeing those movements toward change – with retail care and urgent care as just two recent examples. These new consumer-centric formats will continue to be unveiled and quickly embraced, so for those more legacy providers, they need to understand that for them change is really not an IF, but a WHEN.”

We will feature a more in-depth exploration of the generational concepts presented at HFSE and the need for the industry to move toward more consumer-centricity in our upcoming Insights series on healthcare experiences. To learn more about driving a meaningful healthcare journey for multiple generations, contact our healthcare experts at [email protected].

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