Being Present: What We Can Learn About Parenting (Even in a Pandemic)

Thursday, April 30, 2020 – Just before the country went into pandemic shutdown mode, Adrenaline’s Senior Director of Strategy Juliet D’Ambrosio was spotlighted in a parenting feature in Thrive Global and Authority Magazine. In the feature, she details her parenting strategies in more normal times, as normal as parenting six(!) kids can be. In reexamining these topics with a new lens, there are some illuminating insights that may help parents in their new live-work-home-do-everything-in-one-place lifestyles. 

While some articles about parenting concentrate on the practical realities of getting it all done without losing your mind, Juliet’s focus is on the more emotional side of parenting, emphasizing being in the moment with your kids, and that includes in a pandemic. She says, “Be present for your kids. My family has developed some real-life ways to be really present for our kids in an individualized way.” Detailing “kid dates,” Juliet describes spending time with each child in a way that’s “meaningful for them.”

On balancing it all – which is a particularly difficult concept in our current pandemic reality – Juliet believes that balance is an illusion. She says, “The first thing I would say is to stop looking for balance. It doesn’t exist, and it’s not really an achievable goal in life. Just know that life is going to often be unbalanced, and that’s okay.” Extending that concept into the pandemic, that means understanding that things aren’t going to happen as they did before. Everyone is just doing their best.

Juliet thinks that letting go of expectations, even in times like this, can be freeing. She says, “I have found if you can embrace chaos in a limited way, you will be a much happier, more present person for both yourself and your kids. I just think that people who hold onto the reins too tightly and focus intently on controlling the chaos and scheduling it into submission miss out on so much richness that is family life. It’s messy, loud, and chaotic and that’s what makes it wonderful.”

Discover more of Juliet’s parenting insights in “How Extremely Busy Executives Make Time To Be Great Parents” in Authority Magazine and “Be Present for Your Kids” in Thrive Global. Authority Magazine shares empowering interviews and actionable insights of people who are authorities and leaders in their respective industries. Thrive Global is a multimedia venture launched by Arianna Huffington with a mission to help individuals, companies and communities improve their well-being and performance and unlock their greatest potential.

Adrenaline is an experience design agency that creates and implements end-to-end branded experiences through creative and environmental design. We enhance our clients’ customer experiences across digital and physical channels, from their branding and advertising to design and technology in their spaces. After transforming an organization’s brand, Adrenaline extends it across all touchpoints — from employees to the market to in-store environments. And, we focus on serving industries that sell human experiences including financial, healthcare, sports, and entertainment.

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