Adrenaline’s Jerry Reese Writes Byline for Digital Signage Today

In “Banks Can Reap Benefits from Solid Digital Signage Strategy,” Group Account Director shares core approaches for in-store bank branches

Tuesday, August 16, 2022 – In his recent Digital Signage Today bylined article, Adrenaline’s Jerry Reese describes how banks and credit unions can successfully deliver on the value customers and prospects are looking for through digital messaging for the in-store branch. Customizing and curating messaging that’s right for the channel provides an influential engagement channel to “draw in potential customers and deliver meaningful promotional and brand-building messages.” 

With nearly 4,000 bank or credit union branches inside grocery and other retail stores across the U.S., customers are served daily with a balance of expediency and efficiency. Giving people convenient access to their money, FIs offer financial products and services, transactions and consultations — all without having to seek out a separate bank location. But unlike more typical branches, banks and credit unions leverage these locations to meet consumers where they are.

For these convenience-first branches, not only are customer journeys and dwell times different than those found in a more prototypical bank branch, the messaging itself must strike the right balance of education and promotion. To be most effective in this busy information-overloaded environment, Jerry provides “practical, customer first best practices” to deliver on the promise of this powerful medium. His recommendations include: 

• Understand in-store audiences – From traffic patterns to transactions, knowing the demands on your audience helps you tailor your message. 

• Customize messaging for environment – Message strategy for in-store branches should consider the characteristics of both the store and its shoppers.

• Use scale to your advantage – Consider the proximity and position of digital message screens when developing communications.

• Make it easy – Leverage easy-to-use tools like QR codes for shoppers to quickly and easily request more information and overcome obstacles, like being time-crunched.

For all of Jerry’s insights, read Digital Signage Today’s full article “Banks Can Reap Benefits from Solid Digital Signage Strategy.” Digital Signage Today is a digital publishing platform that focuses on the latest news, events, trends and people in the digital signage and digital out-of-home industries. Since 2007, the industry trade publisher informs and influences a global audience of professionals from all sectors of the digital signage market. 

For more information on brand-to-branch strategies like digital signage that help support a powerful presence or to speak with one of our banking experts, contact us at [email protected]. Be sure to also stay tuned in to Believe in Banking as it highlights industry information and insights for banking leaders and Adrenaline’s Insights channel featuring banking and credit union strategies for success. 

Adrenaline is an end-to-end brand experience company serving the financial industry. We move brands and businesses ahead by delivering on every aspect of their experience across digital and physical channels, from strategy through implementation. Our multi-disciplinary team works with leadership to advise on purpose, position, culture, and retail growth strategies. We create brands people love and engage audiences from employees to customers with story-led design and insights-driven marketing; and we design and build transformative brand experiences across branch networks, leading the construction and implementation of physical spaces that drive business advantage and make the brand experience real.

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